Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Peek at Christmas Past (2009)

Here are some random shots of the shoppe last Christmas...

Halloween Happenings - October 2010

Yes,there is a just a hint of a crispness in the air, and even though, the last of the super heat that we have experienced this year still lingers, fall has arrived at The Seraph.
 We have the usual mums, sunflowers, and Indian corn, but this year we have added something very special. We have a special “Halloween Circus” display. The artist, has the most charming animals in a Big Top setting.

We have enclosed some photos for your enjoyment.We have started getting some of our Christmas items in, but as you know, we don’t put those things out until the weekend before Thanksgiving. You may want to jot that on calender if you want first choice on some of these wonderful seasonal items.Probably the biggest news we have is that Dana Designs, kitchen, baths, and custom mill work and furniture, has now been integrated in The Seraph Shoppe, along with our lighting, and the paint and hardware. We have considered our patrons comfort and convenience and so now it is one stop shopping. Everyone feels that this is a great addition to the shop and we invite you to experience all of the best in Country in one convenient location.We will be making every effort to make regular post to keep you in the loop of the happenings here at the Seraph, so please stop by often. There will be a lot of relevant information. From updates on our new home building to recipes and hints. We hope to create a fun and informative inter action for your enjoyment. We will attempt in some small way to remind you of what made you fall in love with country and to keep that great feeling alive.
Till then… Alex & Company

Summer 2010