Sunday, May 15, 2011

Well it is hard to believe but this marks our 30th year in business.

 A lot has changed since we began with the Seraph back in 1981.  I remember someone saying to me "things must change to remain the same"  That seems to have been our by word as we have gone through the years.  Some of the things I treasure most are the friends we have made, many of whom remain good and close friends to this day.  The line became blurred as to where our business life stopped and our social life began.  Also because distance separates Mike and I from family, so many of our clients have become our family.  We have helped to create the most intimate spaces, homes both inside and out have become like living pieces of history and art, and one of the things that has brought us great joy is knowing that we have helped to provide that special refuge from what has become an increasingly forbidding world. 

We are planning to have a celebration this September.  We have not yet selected the date, but J Dana Designs is adding a new tiger maple kitchen and has already added a closet display and will also have a bathroom with many ideas to inspire. 
Our building three will be fully opened by then, and will have a great clearance area for special buys, but the main part of the building will have furnishings with a special twist with a look to the future. Domus X is defining more and more of its Euro Chic ambiance, continuing to feature a soft palette of colors and one of a kind special purchases.

As always The Seraph has one foot in the 18th century, and maintains it's focus on 17th and 18th century furnishings.  The Seraph still maintains it's singular collection of everything from the mid 1600's to 1840, and to our knowledge is still stand alone in the breadth of it's selection in authentic furnishings.  We pride ourselves on our resourcefulness and being able to provide anything you may need to replicate, with authenticity in the finest in American Country interiors.

Also, this fall we hope to have workshops.  There will be a schedule posted on line and in the shops.
Jeff Dana will do one on kitchens and proper design of the space,

Karen Stelmack will be giving one on curtain pattern how-to's
 Mike Pifer will be giving one on painting techniques featuring Caromal Colours  paints, and Alex will be giving one on how to define your design style.  We will be posting updates on all the above.

We will also be changing our website and using it's advantage to the most efficient way.  Because we have to many items, we feel it is better for you, the client to have more recent updates in actual room settings and encouraging you to call or send us your number and we will better be able to answer your specific needs.  This is in an effort to personalize our contacts with you.  With the marvel of digital cameras and cell phones we can immediately serve your needs and deal directly with you.  We hope that this will again put us in direct contact with you and bridge the gap of the personal touch married with speed and marvel of the cyber-world.  We welcome your comments on what we hope to expedite and assist you in your needs.  To view this new approach visit our website  
A new season is upon up and we are always renewed and hope to pass this sense of hope and realization that there is no place like home, and creating your special refuge.
We are fortunate enought to live on a large piece of land that we share with the wonder of nature.
 I watch every morning with awe at the wonder of geese feathering their nests

and in our rookery there are 11 nests of blue heron going about the business of creating the comfort of a new home for the next generation. 
 Tell me we are not alike!!!

Till next week,  Best,  Alex